OPINION ESSAY escrito específicamente para impresionar a los examinadores en el nivel C1


Un opinion essay es un texto informal que muestra tu opinión sobre algún tema, apoyado con argumentos y ejemplos. Además, ten en cuenta que deberás dejar clara cuál es la opinión opuesta también.




a) Yo no nací sabiendo cómo escribir OPINION ESSAYS. Es todo cuestión de estrategia+práctica.

b) Debes aprender vocabulario y estructuras específicas para este tipo de escrito formal.

c) Recuerda, no importa lo que digas, sino cómo lo digas. No están evaluando los buenos argumentos en que basas tu opinión, sino cómo expones esa opinión. Es decir: vocabulario, estructuras, expresiones, conectores, etc.




Focus must be brought to the fact that milk is supposed to positively contribute hugely to our very health. Yet, a question should be posed to all of those who endorse such an idea. Why is the human species the only one that further continues drinking milk, after the so-called breastfeeding period?

Regardless of all the hype surrounding milk intake, recent studies have put forward the fact that dairy is taking a toll on the human body, hence, giving rise to serious issues, such us skin conditions, allergies, lactose intolerance and cancer, to name but a few. So, overall, milk seems to be faring badly, when compared to our non-human mammal counterparts.

The eagerness for capitalism around this industry, has taken them to push cows’ milk as the go-to source of calcium. The lactose in cows’ milk can be hard to digest though, and more than likely, will give birth to future underlying conditions.

It is fair to underline the fact that not only does milk contain quite a harmful protein, known as casein, but also a wide range of antibiotics, that have been given to those animals for the sake of keeping them up to the required standards.

It is vital to bring to people’s attention that humans are being poisoned, be it due to a lack of awareness or misinformation. The truth is that a great slew of people still believe that milk is a great source of calcium.But, on the off chance it was, why are we the only species that still consumes it after the aforementioned breastfeeding?

Last but not least, it is important to highlight that anti-diary campaigners have been gaining momentum lately. Yet, there is still a long way to go as to how to make people aware of the detrimental effects that milk has on our bodies. So, without a shadow of doubt, this is a problem that needs addressing, as it is playing havoc with many people’s health, and it could have nothing but a negative effect in the foreseeable future. Only by making people aware of the dairy intake downsides, will many allergies be brought to a standstill. So, were I in your shoes, I would keep an eye on the amount of dairy you have on a daily basis.


Como podéis ver, he dado mi opinión, apoyada en argumentos. Además, he expresado cuál es la postura contraria a la mía.

Un essay es un texto formal, en el cual, aunque tengamos que dar nuestra opinión, lo haremos de forma indirecta.

Para el nivel C1, este tipo de estructura no mola: «In my opinion». Es mucho mejor dejar caer tu forma de pensar de forma indirecta, y para ello hay diversas estructuras que nos son de gran ayuda. Una de ellas es la pasiva con  NEED+ING.

Si os fijáis, he dicho: «this is a problem that needs addressing». No he dicho quién tiene que solucionarlo, ni he dicho directamente que es mi opinión, pero por el contexto y la naturaleza de la frase, queda totalmente claro lo que pienso.

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